TCEB Situation Update
Travel Advisory: COVID-19 Virus on 21 May 2021
Relaxation of Certain COVID-19 Control Measures to Suit the Situation of Each Zone
The proactive screening and accelerated vaccination programme undertaken by the government have resulted in an improved outlook. In response, the Prime Minister has issued an order and regulations to relax certain control measures as follows:
Wearing of sanitary masks or fabric masks
Wearing sanitary masks or fabric masks in an appropriate manner, as prescribed by the Ministry of Public Health, when outside the residence or in public space, remains mandatory. In case a group of people needs to attend meetings for long hours and masks may pose inconvenience when performing any roles, masks can be removed during discussion or presentation of viewpoints by the permission of the meeting supervisors only and under the following conditions. The organisers have conducted screening and strictly executed disease control measures, for example, social distancing. The attendees themselves must produce COVID-19 free certification and have undergone the screening based on the symptoms. Besides, the meeting supervisors have executed the measures in line with the rules and regulations to be enforced when risk is detected and wearing surgical or fabric masks is mandatory throughout the meetings.
Adjustment of zoning to enable the integrated prevention measures as follows:
1.1 Restaurants and food outlets can serve sit-in meals until 21:00 hrs and at a maximum 25% of the seating capacity. Alcohol consumption on site is not allowed. Take-away service is permitted until 23:00 hrs. Service providers must strictly comply with the disease control measures including screening, social distancing, queuing.
1.2 Schools and all kinds of educational institutions are closed. No classes or gathering activities are allowed except for online learning, activities for assistance, relief or sheltering purposes, and use by government agencies for public benefit, which need authorization of the city governor. Small schools with fewer than 120 students, and schools operated by the Border Patrol Police may remain in operation.
2.1 Restaurants and food outlets can serve food and beverages until 23:00 hrs with no alcohol consumption. Service providers must strictly execute the disease control measures.
2.2 Schools and all kinds of education institutions can, as deemed necessary, conduct classes, training sessions, workshops, or any gatherings but must strictly follow the official disease control measures. The governor, as suggested by the provincial communicable disease committee, will set up the criteria in allowing such activities to fit the area and situation under their responsibility.
3.1 Restaurants and food outlets can serve food and beverages in normal hours as legally stated. However, alcohol consumption on site is not allowed.
3.2 Schools and all kinds of education institutions can, as deemed necessary, conduct classes, training sessions, workshops, or any gatherings but must strictly follow the official disease control measures and must be under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation or related authorities, depending on each case.
Guidelines for the authorities
The authorities are to supervise the execution and acts of any persons, venues, establishments or any activities to ensure that they comply with the conditions, enforced duration, rules and regulations and officially established disease control measures. Should the violation be found, the authorities can issue a warning and order the execution and can take legal actions against non-compliance.
Acceleration of vaccination
The operation center of The Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) is to assist, support and collaborate with the Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Interior, and related authorities to accelerate the preparation for quick and efficient execution of the vaccination programme: distribution, registration and injection, and must report the performance to the Prime Minister on a continued basis.
Prevention and suppression of the cause of the infection
Administrative authorities, security authorities and other responsible authorities are to work cohesively to prevent, suppress or take legal actions against any persons committing or involving in the cause of the infection, such as illegal immigrants and opening a gambling den.
Remote work routine
Head of government agencies, business owners or entrepreneurs should consider executing the highest measures for 14 days at a minimum to reduce workers’ travel and risk of infection, such as remote working, working day alterations, or other appropriate means on the ground that public service is not compromised.
This is effective from 17 May 2021.
According to the announcement of the Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) number 23 dated 15 May 2021, Bangkok has been declared a maximum control area with tightened restrictions. As such, the Governor of Bangkok, with the resolution of the city’s communicable disease committee on 15 May 2021, has announced the following directives;
Should there be any dispute between the two, the announcement number 26 will prevail.
Violators are subject to the penalty according to Article 52 of the Communicable Disease Act, B.E. 2558, resulting in a maximum one-year imprisonment, or a maximum fine of 100,000 baht, or both.
They are also subject to Article 18 of the Emergency Decree on Public Administration, B.E. 2548, resulting in a maximum two-year imprisonment, or a maximum fine of 40,000 baht, or both.
Due to an emergency affair, no dispute to this announcement is permitted, according to Article 30, paragraph 2 (1) of the Administrative Procedure Act, B.E. 2539.
Effective May 17, 2021 until May 31, 2021
References (TH Version) (TH Version) (TH Version)
Further information about COVID-19 outbreak from WHO
Department of Disease Control Contact Centre (Call 1422 24/7)
Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) (Call +66 (0) 2694 6000) or